We follow globally recognised frameworks for ensuring that children experience quality teaching and learning. Our programmes encourage curiosity, exploration and problem solving, in an atmosphere of affection and respect. Our environment is carefully designed with various images and objects. Our educators and observe each child as a unique individual and develops each child’s unique personality at its individual pace. We comply with our local Swiss standards and follow at the same time international best practices and norms, especially when it comes to Chinese teaching. Here we apply proven systems and models from bilingual childcare centres in Singapore, where such bilingual childcare is nothing special but the norm.

Highlights at Learning Panda:

Multicultural Education

At Learning Panda the children discover customs and the cultures of East and West and develop an open-minded attitude. 


We set an emphasis on play-based learning.


We think that children are born as scientists and eager to explore the world. We follow recognised best practices for ensuring that the children will get a high-quality learning experience.


Respect the parents. Respect people. Respect diversity. That may sound old-fashioned, but to us, this is a foundation of happiness and success

Language Immersion

Each group has two teachers: one Swiss-German and one Mandarin speaker. They both work together and offer activities in which the children naturally learn both languages.


At Learning Panda we embrace diversity. Together with our teacher, children and parents, we are advocates of a new multi-cultural harmony.

Discover Asia

At Learning Panda we teach our children and our parents the richness and diversity from Asian cultures. Both children and parents will discover Asian themes ranging from language, food, culture and sports. And since not all parents master Mandarin, we will offer tailored basic Mandarin courses so our parents can keep up with their children's progress.